What is Palm Oil? Palm Oil is a seed crop grown in many parts of the world, the
majority being in Malaysia and Indonesia. Orangutans are found
exclusively on the Indonesian islands of Borneo and Sumatra. It is a
form of vegetable oil used in many food and non-food items. So many that I wish you to explore the links I have provided to see how many products actually contain this that you know of.
Besides Orangutans other species of course are affected as well. " “We found that Sumatra's elephants and tigers are disappearing even faster than their forests are in Riau,” said WWF International's Species Programme Director, Dr Susan Lieberman. “This is happening because as wildlife search for new habitat and food sources, they increasingly come into conflict with people and are killed."
And Indonesia's Palm Oil sales are up even higher than last year. In a misguided attempt to slow global warming, some look to vegetable oil as a renewable fuel (biofuel) to replace fossil fuels. When the costs of production are included, palm oil has a carbon "footprint" that exceeds even fossil fuels. Please stop using these products and write to the manufacturers who use them. Read the links to understand more. Just click on the Palm Oil Trees picture below to learn about Palm Oil and products it is used in.
Besides Orangutans other species of course are affected as well. " “We found that Sumatra's elephants and tigers are disappearing even faster than their forests are in Riau,” said WWF International's Species Programme Director, Dr Susan Lieberman. “This is happening because as wildlife search for new habitat and food sources, they increasingly come into conflict with people and are killed."
And Indonesia's Palm Oil sales are up even higher than last year. In a misguided attempt to slow global warming, some look to vegetable oil as a renewable fuel (biofuel) to replace fossil fuels. When the costs of production are included, palm oil has a carbon "footprint" that exceeds even fossil fuels. Please stop using these products and write to the manufacturers who use them. Read the links to understand more. Just click on the Palm Oil Trees picture below to learn about Palm Oil and products it is used in.
Click on the Palm Trees to visit a page listing many products that use Palm Oil | After reading on the companies using non sustainable Palm Oil, there is a letter below that you may use to write companies using Palm Oil expressing your concern and requesting they stop!
Read about the severe loss of other animal populations on this page from the World Wildlife Fund (also known as the World Wide Fund For Nature outside of North America. Click on the WWF logo. |
Palm oil trees provide the feedstock for Biodiesel production in many tropical countries, click on this Palm oil Tree Seedling to read the truth about the use of Palm Oil For Bio Fuel and what the actual consequences are. |
Please visit B.O.S. UK website for more on the threat to Orangutans and to donate.